Paintings / acrylic on canvas or oil on canvas
Nature, lumps, landscapes – It is my place, imagin…

Paintings / acrylic, oil on canvas
Layers, nature, landscapes and other stuff

,Paintings / acrylic, oil on canvas
Searching the perfekt flow, the perfect placement: landscapes, nature, imaginary places…

Paintings / oil on canvas /piecewise
Tree stumps, a branch with leaves…; Small elements located in the wood transformet an expressive way and with some of the characteristics that we attribute to nature. Such as strength.

Paintings / oilstick & acrylic
The work consist of different organic forms and expressions, element where there is no daubt. It is what it is.

Paintings / oil on canvas / variations of a lump located in the woods /piecewise

Paintings / oil and acrylic on canvas / LUMPS
“Lump the 1st”, “The lump”, “No name lump”, “Lump of ham”, “No shit” are titles of the works below.
The Lumps expands and takes over much of the canvas. They have a density and often a rather freaky color which make them insist on their presence..