The Bus Project III
Som pictures from The Bus Project III, 2015 – A great artproject in and around the area of Vejle funded by Statens Kunstfond, Trekantområdets festuge and Ole Kirk Fond.
The Bus Project has been taking place for 3 years, and is a concept that bring art into public spaces and is involving the inhabitants in the area.
Visual artists, sculptures, musicians, performers and poets disturbs and intervene peoples daily drive by performing in the busses, while driving.
Project management and idea Marianne Schneider, Lene Noer, Flemming Jarle and Annette Hornskov Mørk, who also participated with an embellishment in one of the busses.
Film made by artist Leo Sagastuy alias Olaf Zhiga
For further information check out
The pictures below: Kim Grønborg / claus ejner /Lars Heiberg /Hesselholdt og Mejlvang

Participating artists – The Bus Project III:
Eva Koch
Jens Balder, Jens Mikkel Madsen, Peter Laugesen
Michael Mørkholt (Solhorn)
Kim Grønborg
Hesselholdt og Mejlvang
Christian Laumark Hansen
Lars Heiberg
claus ejner
Leo Sagastuy
Lene Juhler
Birgitte Haahr Lund
Street Art Academi Aarhus
Elisabeth Fisher Jessen
Diana Haugland Jensen
Lene Noer
Flemming Jarle
Annette Hornskov
Marianne Schneider
Projectmanagement and idea:
Lene Noer
Flemming Jarle
Annette Hornskov
Marianne Schneider