POP-UP KUNSTRUM / exhibition no. 2
Go see exhibtion no. 2 by Sophia Ioannou Gjerding at Nørretorv, Vejle. In the evening and at night it lights up the area until the 28. of april.
POP-UP KUNSTRUM show “Haunting Prop-blem” by Sophia Ioannou Gjerding at the exhibtionspace at Nørretorv; a water pumping station in Vejle, Denmark.
Special tanks to Vejle Spildevand who has given the premission to use the water pumping station for an art-exhibition and Billedkunstrådet Vejle Kommune for supporting the exhibition.
POP-UP KUNSTRUM is an artistdriven space without a permanent place that will show two-three shows each year. Marianne Schneider and Annette Hornskov Mørk run the exhibitionsspace.