
Annette Hornskov Mørk is a Danish artist educated at Aarhus Kunstakademi. She works, among other materials, with oil, acrylics, pencil and watercolor. And have recently started making three-dimentionel works and installations in cooperation with Marianne Schneider, Berit Jansson & the artistgroup 5STK.

Organic expressions / experimental art / expressions of nature // insisting on its presence , aesthetic, no daubt, strength = aspects of interest.

The boundary of the image area is of great importance to the abstract shape that is painted on the canvas and the positioning of the shape or elements is essential and is considered carefully. Often the works seem to be made in one  brush stroke that meets the canvas exactly where the composition spans the strongest.

Annette Hornskov Mørk debuted at the Artists’ Summer Exhibition 2008 in Denmark and has exhibited in several curated exhibitions, galleries and Art Museums. For further information check out  CV

Annette Hornskov Mørk er uddannet på AArhus Kunstakademi og arbejder med maleri & tegning, bla. med olie, acryl, blyant mm. Desuden laver hun flere installationer og tredimentionelle værker i samarbejde med Marianne Schneider & Berit Jansson samt med kunstnergruppen 5STK.
Annette Hornskov Mørks værker er organiske, eksperimenterende udtryk, udtryk fra naturen, som insisterer på deres tilstedeværelse.
Billedfladens afgrænsning har stor betydning for den abstrakte form, som lægges op på lærredet og placeringen af formen eller elementerne er essentiel og overvejes nøje, med tanke for hvornår nok er nok. Ofte synes værkerne at være lavet i ét ”ført” penselstrøg, som møder lærredet præcis lige dér, hvor kompositionen spænder stærkest.

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